Christmas · Drinks

Pomegranate Lime Fizz

Pomegranate juice served with lemon and lime soda. A delicious and fresh nonalcoholic drink, perfect for the upcoming party season. 


This is my favourite drink to enjoy around Christmas time! So today I’m sharing a nonalcoholic drink that’ll be great to drink over the festive season. It’s not even a recipe because it’s so super easy and quick to prepare. The flavours of pomegranate and lime pair well together and no one flavour is too strong or stands out, they all compliment each other. Though this is a mocktail, I promise you, you won’t even miss the alcohol. It’s become somewhat of a tradition in our house to drink this fizz over the Christmas period, seconds all round is guaranteed!


(Makes 1)


100ml pomegranate juice

200ml limemade (or lemon and lime flavoured soda water)

Good squeeze of fresh lime juice (more or less to taste)

To serve –

Pomegranate seeds

Lime slices or wedges



  • In a glass, start by pouring in the pomegranate juice. Then pour over the limeade (or flavoured soda water). Finish by dropping in a few slices or wedges of lime. Also, sprinkle over some pomegranate seeds if you desire. Serve ice-cold.

Blog post and pictures updated in October 2016. I’d previously shared this recipe along with a bit of writing on having my recipe featured in BBC Good Food magazine in a Christmas winter comfort food booklet, after it had been previously featured in the magazine and on the website back in May earlier that year. This drink recipe was created as a toast to this success.



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